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1  Other / Offtopic / Re: new mobile phone? on: February 12, 2010, 08:08:46
Hey Adrian,

I tested the 3g  Grin

I said it is my favorite  Wink... My i-net is faster on the Adroid ( hacked  Wink )
And I use "CoPilot Live 8" (Navigation) on my HTC Magic... I think it is better than my external NAVIGON  Shocked

Andrian, I know the Iphone is a great phone, but for my uses are the Google Phone (HTC Magic) better  Cheesy

Here is a LINK to get cheap MobilePhones  Grin

There You get cheap IPhones, too  Roll Eyes

2  Other / Offtopic / Re: new mobile phone? on: February 11, 2010, 20:25:59
Hey RMF,

my favorite is the HTC Magic -Android.

I use this and i used the iphone. But the Android system is much better.
And it is easyer to hack w-lan, bluetooth and the i-net is faster.
I use it sometimes like a modem. I switch it on my pc and connect via pc to i-net.

And it is easyer to hack APPs on Android. ;-)

But it is my answer: -)

HTC Magic is the Iphone killer....


3  Welcome / News / Re: Server! on: February 04, 2010, 14:21:55

You use forcemodel?  Grin
        Roll Eyes

4  Clan stuff / Clan - join us / Re: AssY on: February 02, 2010, 21:51:17

That is no problem!

I said I will delet the game to the h4l players. There are prob. in the clan. I want to play with fun.
But i cant do it! I have test it in past Wink. U can ask RMF he knowes it.

I will play and i do play!

5  Clan stuff / Clan - join us / Re: AssY on: February 02, 2010, 21:33:03

I'am the real one. You can ask drunken. Or look my IP.

But now i can't play. I'am on a exhebition and i write via mobile phone.
But i have write it in the h4l forum, that i left the clan to join you.

To the Fake: that wasnt me! That was a bad faker; )

Tiny we spoke some times on the oac servers about strathegies. Now u see that iam the real: )?

6  Clan stuff / Clan - join us / Re: AssY on: February 02, 2010, 21:17:14
Hey christian!!! Cheesy
Hum... first i have a question, jonas told me that you stopped OA, it's seems it's not so true? Can you explain me this a little bit more pls? Smiley

Anyway, i like you really much, you're a nice, fair and skilled player, so i'm okay for you to join Cheesy Wink
The idea of this clan is that we're all friends and that we try to know each others the best we can Smiley Wink

Yes I had a brake. The brake was needet.
Some differences in the clan and personal (GF) problems; )

But now I am ready to frag: ) but I want fun in game. I can't have it longer in h4l.

I like you teamplay and social playing.

That is the reason; )
7  Clan stuff / Clan - join us / Re: AssY on: February 02, 2010, 20:52:15
Hey Christian!

Well, i would say the same for u as i said for Drunken, i don't know u very well... but i'd let u in, u're a nice player, skilled and fair. We aim to be a nice and good spirited clan, knowing a minimun each other lol so, if u have an msn, let's meet soon and learn about each other Wink

What do u think IO's?

Cu soon Wink

Yes i have MSN
my ID: guess it! Smiley (edited by wh!pP3r)

Heh, a long mail and a long name Wink

8  Clan stuff / Clan - join us / AssY on: February 02, 2010, 20:17:07
Hey guys and girls Smiley

I'am AssY. Hope someone know me.

I heard my friend drunken joined here.

I had a brake in H4L.

I'am from Germany and 23 years old.
I'am a business man (product manager).
I love instant (only) and I heard you guys and girls like instant, too.

My Question:

May I join the IO clan? I will kill for IO. I spoke some days with RMF about this join.

Now I am ready to ask you Smiley

Do you have questions? Please feel free to ask me!

Best regards
AssY alias Christian
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